Address Validation
Verify Postal Addresses by API Lookup

Analyze users with Address Verification scoring through a real-time API call. Instantly detect invalid addresses, misformatted user data and typos, and physical addresses that have recently been reported for fraudulent behavior. Physical Address Verification makes verifying users and validating personal user information easy.

Address Validation Example API Request

The example below incorporates scoring a physical address with an IP address. We recommend passing all available billing and shipping variables.

You should pass the user's primary information into the "billing" variables even if a transaction is not taking place. Additional user data can be passed with this request.


Key Expected Values Description
billing_address_1 String User's billing or primary street address part 1.
billing_address_2 String User's billing or primary street address part 2.
billing_city String User's billing or primary city.
billing_region String User's billing or primary region or state.
billing_postcode String / Number User's billing or primary postcode or zipcode.
billing_country String User's billing or primary country name or billing country ISO-Alpha2. (EG: United States or US)
shipping_address_1 String User's billing or primary street address part 1.
shipping_address_2 String User's billing or primary street address part 2.
shipping_city String User's billing or primary city.
shipping_region String User's billing or primary region or state.
shipping_postcode String / Number User's billing or primary postcode or zipcode.
shipping_country String User's billing or primary country name or shipping country ISO-Alpha2. (EG: United States or US)

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