The IPQS Device Fingerprint Technology allows you to further analyze your users, transactions, ad traffic, and similar data to produce highly accurate Fraud Scores. Multi-layered AI & machine learning algorithms analyze user behavior and intent against millions of patterns to accurately identify high-risk activity. Hundreds of data points are scored to produce a confident result for fraud prevention.
Track user accounts with a unique Device ID to detect duplicate accounts and similar risky behavior. Cross-device tracking using our device fingerprinting API also detects device spoofing, emulators, bots, location spoofing, GPS tampering, and similar patterns of malicious abuse. Use the API docs below to quickly set up the service on your website or app.
Test IPQS device fingerprinting data by getting a free fingerprint of your own device.
Instructions for using the Device Fingerprint API can be found below.
What Is Device Fingerprinting?
Device Fingerprinting is the process of creating a device tracking ID and risk profile based on a user's device behavior and settings. The IPQS device fingerprinting service creates a unique device ID to track users as they interact with your site and better understand quality based on a user's behavior during login, checkout, account creation, and similar actions.
What Is a Device Fingerprinting API?
Device Fingerprinting APIs profile devices in real time to calculate a unique device ID and risk profile based on the behavior and settings of the user's device. IPQS device fingerprinting produces accurate risk scores based on the quality of the user's device and behavior. For example, non-human bot behavior indicates malicious activity and increases the risk score. Unique device IDs allow a website to accurately identify users with multiple accounts or high-risk payments.
When to Use a Device Fingerprinting API
Using a Device Fingerprint API is a best practice to detect fraud during registration, payment, checkout, and similar user actions. The device API can provide real-time results that can enrich user accounts and payment data. It can also retrieve a device risk score and a device ID that you can use to track the user across your website.
Device Fingerprinting Use Cases
- Low-Quality Users: Identify duplicate user accounts, bogus user information, and fake registrations. Automatically prevent low-quality users from hurting your ROI.
- Click Fraud & Invalid Clicks: Solve click fraud quality issues with real-time click filtering and ensure only high-quality clicks.
- Chargebacks & Payment Fraud: Prevent chargebacks, high-risk transactions, and all types of payment ecommerce fraud.
- Account Takeover: Monitor accounts for unusual behavior and session hijacking attempts.
- Bot Detection: Filter non-human traffic in real-time with IPQS bot detection tools.
- High-Risk Behavior: Analyze user behavior against millions of high-risk patterns that indicate a user's intent to engage in fraudulent activity.
Follow the instructions below to use the Device Fingerprint API.