Recent Email Statistics
About Recent Email Statistics in Custom Integrations

This API lets you retrieve statistics of a user's email verification API usage based on the Email Verification service. It supports both JSON and HTML (table) responses, allowing you to choose how to display results.

API Request URLs


You can use the following URL to retrieve statistics in JSON format:



Alternatively, you can use the following URL to retrieve statistics in HTML format:

Request Parameters
Parameter Description Example Value / Format
key Required. Your site's domain or the domain that requested this integration. google.com
secret Required. Your user's current secret created during the authentication process. char(128)
Response Parameters


The JSON response will have the following data points:

Parameter Description Format
message Description of the status of this call. May contain errors if errors exist. text
success Boolean result of if the request was successful or not. boolean
email_lookups The total number of recent email API requests by this user. int
email_fraud_detections The total number of recent email API requests that were fraudulent. int
email_detection_ratio The ratio of email API requests that were clean/fraudulent. float, percentage
remaining_credits The total number of credits currently available to this user. int
recent_lookups List containing the 1,000 most recent email validation lookups by this user. Array of objects

Parameter Description Example Value / Format
email_address The email address that the user requested fraud information on. string, email address
disposable Was the email address disposable? boolean
valid The validity of the email address. boolean
deliverability How deliverable was the email address? low, medium, high
date The date this request was made on. Date formatted yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss


The HTML Response will look like the screenshot below:



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