IP Lookup & Proxy Detection

Search Accurate IP Details
Check Proxy, VPN, or TOR Activity

Lookup IP scores for any IPv4 or IPv6 address. Detect high risk IP addresses and check IP fraud scores with accurate results worldwide.
Country City Region VPN TOR PROXY
Latitude & Longitude
Risk Summary
Mail SPAM Block List
Proxy/VPN Detection
Use this free tool to lookup IP address details and retrieve the hostname, ISP, geo location data, ASN, timezone, IP score, and full risk analysis report. The IP address is also analyzed to detect a proxy, VPN, or TOR connection through our proxy detection service & checked against our proprietary blacklists for any reports of SPAM or abuse. This tool can perform both IPv4 address lookups and IPv6 address lookups.

IPQualityScore uses a mix of honeypots & traps, forensic analysis, machine learning, range scanning, blacklisting, and a system of reporting from our clients to identify high risk IP addresses. IP reputation lookups are accurate worldwide.

Integrate our Proxy Detection Service with API Lookups, JavaScript, or Process Bulk CSV Lists

You Can Even Customize Your Filtering With Tailored Scoring Settings While Using Our Proxy Detection API.
Query your IP lookup data
IP lookup data can be queried via an API service or by using our JavaScript analysis tags to detect bad sources of traffic, bots, risky transactions, and malicious users.
Batch Reports
Advanced IP fraud scores detect sophisticated abuse to mitigate high risk behavior. Process batch reports by uploading a CSV file through our user dashboard.
Anonymous IP detection API
Our anonymous IP detection API with example code is available to get IPQS proxy detection deployed on your site in just minutes

Your questions answered

What is an IP Address?
What is IP Fraud Scores & Reputation?
What is a Proxy Connection?
What Info Can I Get From an IP Address Lookup?
Does Proxy Detection Work?
What Types of Connections Do Proxies Use?

What is an IP Address?

An IP Address, also known as "Internet Protocol", is a unique identifier assigned to a user browsing the internet through their Internet Service Provider (ISP). Just as we use an email address or phone number to identify a person, an IP address is linked to an individual user and can be associated with their online activity. An IP reputation check for each IP address makes it easy to identify high risk users or suspicious payments and clicks. It can be difficult for users to frequently switch an assigned IP address from their ISP, which is why internet users often use proxies, VPNs, or Tor to mask their identity.

Enterprise IP Scoring

Looking for a high volume solution for IP scoring? Access real-time malicious IP address blacklists or deploy our on-premise proxy detection database.

Contact Us Today

Or message us directly at support@ipqualityscore.com.

Ready to eliminate fraud?

Start fighting fraud now with 5,000 Free Lookups!

We're happy to answer any questions or concerns.

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Call us at: (800) 713-2618

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